Meetings take place each month except August and December at the Sandhurst Community Hall, Yorktown Road, Sandhurst, Berkshire, GU47 9BJ.

The evening meetings are normally on the third Wednesday of the month, and begin at 7.15pm unless otherwise stated.

We also hold Tuesday afternoon meetings for some winter months, starting at 2.30pm.

Shows open to the public are held on Saturday afternoons.

On show days the hall is open early for exhibitors to allow them time to set up. Please see the map on the Location page.

For coach trips please check the pickup point with organiser when booking.

Further activities for 2025, including outings, will be added later

January 7 (Tuesday) at 2.30pm
Afternoon Talk: "Squires Garden Centre"
by the Chairman, Sarah Squire
In the Kitty Dancy Room
January 15 (Wednesday) at 7.15pm
Talk: "St Kilda And The Hebrides - Sailing To The Edge Of The World" by Sarah Frost
February 4 (Tuesday) at 2.30pm
Afternoon Talk: "The Therapy Garden" by Stella Diamond
In the Kitty Dancy Room
February 19 (Wednesday) at 7.15pm
Brief AGM
Talk: "Flower Arranging On A Budget" by Janice Tattersdill
March 19 (Wednesday) at 7.15pm
Talk: "The Wild Gardener" by Julie Verity
April 16 (Wednesday) at 7.15pm
Late Spring and Daffodil Show
Talk: "Painshill Park" by Cherill Sands
May 6 (Tuesday)
Coach Trip to RHS Hyde Hall, Chelmsford, Essex
May 18 (Sunday) 9.00am to 10.30am.
Tool Sharpening at the Trading Hut £2-00 per item
May 21 (Wednesday) at 7.15pm
Talk: "Plant Propagation" by Graham Talbot
June 21 (Saturday)
Summer Show
Open to members and visitors from 3.00pm Fee payable
July 16 (Wednesday) at 7.15pm
Talk: "Coping With The UK Weather" by Ray Broughton
September 6 (Saturday)
Autumn Show
Open to members and visitors from 3.00pm Fee payable
October 7 (Tuesday) at 2.30pm
Afternoon Talk - details TBA
October 15 (Wednesday) at 7.15pm
Talk: "Lavell's Lake Nature Reserve" by Fraser Cottington
November 4 (Tuesday) at 2.30pm
Afternoon Talk - details TBA
November 19 (Wednesday) at 7.15pm
Talk: "Succulents and Cacti" by Sally Seymour
Christmas party/social. Date and details TBA
January 21 (Wednesday) at 7.15pm
Talk: "The Itchen Way" by Graham Harding
February 18 (Wednesday) at 7.15pm
Talk: "Bugs That Bite Back" by Andrew Halstead

Past Programme

For a reminder of the events of 2024, please click